Saturday, January 25, 2014

Southland Times - Defending the Greens

Posted by email 21st January 2014 to the Southland Times.

The Poor old Greens are getting a bashing in your public opinion of late!
As I recall the Green Party in NZ is really a “Values” Party with a re-branding,
a collection of Intellectuals and Very Cleaver People who are Worried about Stupidity Destroying Human Civilisation
and the Earth we stand on.

No, they are NOT a religion, and they are not likely to argue the point with People in the Public Opinion because
They are Intellectuals, Scientists and Cleaver People and they just don’t need to.

Clearly thanks to Rupert Murdoch, Religion and Politics These people with Values feel more comfortable working amongst themselves to keep us ALL alive and happy.
But naturally there is nothing more scary than a bunch of really Smart far-seeing People forming a loose association behind our backs.
Especially for People doing wrong things and those of anti-humanist persuasion.

I also blame Hollywood Fiction where People of Values seem to be Evil Doers and People of Faith are friends of Humanity which is of course
arguably Arse-a-Boo excepting perhaps the late great Norman Borlaug who’s good intentions have inadvertently brought Human suffering to a whole new level.

* declined

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