Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Lesson of 2018

Posted 31st of December 2018 to the Chicago Tribune Newspaper Chicago Illinois USA

I though I should give the NYT a break from Americas view from a far .

So after crunching all the media information from this last year the Skin of Evil award goes to...
The US Right Wing Fundamental Christians.
After President 45 unscrewed their lid and looking over the historical record we find their finger prints on pretty much
Every evil act in us politics this century, and in case you have not noticed they scare the willies out of the media, judiciary,  other Christians and pretty much any democrat still in power. And oh, their prophetic mission statement IS to end the world.

Their Ideas appear from afar to be more satanic than Christian especially when they get involved in politics where no one is safe from their wrath.

Every US war where there is mass carnage of innocents they flood the polls with political cheerleading.
Something unbecoming a Christian Nation?  It is true, look it up, history is full of it and it is why All Americans live in a state of anxiety, fear, injustice and now political insanity.
So that’s the lesson for the year. Just remember, they are a minority. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Rules for Humanity's Second Chance

Posted 13th December 2018 to the Indicator Planet Money Podcast NPR.

Welcome to the Anthropecene Earth.
There will be a few changes you might need to get use to on a what is now a finite planet.

First you will need a Global Government and all Humans will be its citizens or "Earthers"

If you pay taxes the government will allow you to partake in all the full benefits of society, if not you will be treated a Earthers Second Class and will live under restrictions. If your mind is toxic to your community you will be put into care communities away from the tax payers and voteing.

Religion will become culture heritage along with ethnic status and will be overseen and maintained by regional Cultural Communities to ensure human diversity is maintained.
This will replace war but the military will also be preserved as culture as part of human history.

Politics will be based on the every hundred Earthers get one representative and so on until there are one hundred top leaders  as every one in the system can be accountable by human recognition.

Pass-times and meaning of life: The Earthers will be the caretakers of Human History and Achievement and keeping alive all the past will take up more time than all the wars and crimes of History.

Travel: essential travel only as mass travel is too disruptive and energy intensive,

Waste: everything will be reused and will be carefully designed to be so. in everything will be cyclical like the closed system nature uses.

Wealth: there will be rewards for the best Earthers but within reasonable margins as stock piling of wealth by individuals will be seen as toxic behaviour. Travel will be a reward.

Comfort and Happiness: Your tax will will cover all your needs from the State and if you are not able to be happy or comfortable natural medications will be supplied as well as euthanasia services as a last resort.

Population Cap: there will be an ultimate number of humans that will be too excessive for the planet to cope with so reproduction will have to comply to physical boundaries as well as cultural ones, as the Anthropocene started in 1945 that will be used as a bench mark.

Failure to comply: if these measures are not taken than Nature will by default deal with Humanity as an outbreak species and if Nature is too slow waring humans will speed natures hand.


Monday, December 10, 2018

Public Opinion Journalism Letter

Posted to the 1st December 2018 to the Southland Times (Fairfax Media) Invercargill NZ

Thanks for looking after Southland’s Citizen Journalists with you public opinion   
Just be mindful that their job is to take on subjects house journalists can not touch
or even comment.

It would be nice if you could point out the opaque boundaries of the mainstream media
to volunteers. I have been doing this work since the 1980s and it’s still confusing as to weather we are appreciated
by some publications as some editors are ironically not always great communicators.

So just what are the biggest Issues of our time you want feed back on ?

We await instructions...  to keep our print media in the game.  

Where did it all go wrong ? - NY Times

Posted 11th Dec 2018 to the New York Times Opinion NY NY USA

In 2018 where More people are out of poverty than at any time in Earth’s history why is the future looking so grim ?
Well it all started when wealth became something that could be hoarded. Civilisation really kicked in when society taxed surplus money but it starts failing when obsessive hoarding creeps in. In the USA after the second world war for example in order to hoard money  lying & cheating other nations and frantic union breaking at home caused a push pull scenario for economic & Political refugees that has now reached critical levels all stockpiling of money can reach undreamed levels. No one really knows what the point of it is, but it has trashed our political justice and support structures for it and turned citizens against each other and Opioids have become the route of escape from this troubled uncertain world.

Just a thought, maybe the surviving Journalists of the World might want to look into this?

Friday, December 7, 2018

Michael Barbaro - Climate Even Horizon

Posted 8th December 2018 to the New York Times NY NY USA

Bernie Sanders the uncrowned People’s President has spelt out what we need to do to save us all from ourselves and our planet when the Trump Show leaves Washington  perhaps your own Michael Barbaro could give us some Idea of a time frame.
The Population of Earth is needing to make plans and this event will be a seismic shift so we need to know where to invest our time and money or there WILL be utter panic.

It is clear that the main “action” hold outs are the evangelical Trump base who are clearly into doomsday in a big way.
I am pretty sure the great Mr Bezos is not one of them, so go for it Michael :-)

Sounds like a job for the New York Times of Old. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Missing Leaders of the Anthropocene

Posted 29th November 2018 to the Dominion Post Newspaper Wellington New Zealand.

I see Fairfax has opened up a discussion on Climate Change caused by the great Antropocene population Outbreak 
I have observed that the problem with any action is that the population is waiting for leaders to tell us what to do.
I always imagined that the President of the United States would lead the way with a Special TV announcement and was somewhat surprised that President Obama dealt with broaching the issue as a throw away comment to a journalist stating “Of Course Climate Change is Real” in passing.. Only to be surpassed by president Trump’s Chinese Hoax statement a couple of years later.

We seemed to have now reached an impasse where we have a stressed population awaiting instructions and awaiting Leaders. Children & teenagers take it the worst as they don’t get a feeling our civilisation really wants to carry on.

Many Humans are really creative, adaptive and some are very cleaver but really great leaders are very hard to come by.
And we don’t look for them, they have to come forward.
Let’s hope they can get their act together sooner than later. 


Fairfax Media - Anthropocene Stance

Posted 28th November 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

I read Nov 28th Patrick Crewdson says print media should make human made Climate change a serious subject.
I knew this back in the 1970s when Gordon Rattray Taylor brought out a popular book on the subject but yet
we are still waiting for popular movement to rise. This may be happening if the new blood in the US Congress can float the Green New Deal but part of the problem is The Media did not find the right tag, they used Global Warming and then Climate Change,  Social Media has the Anthropocene Outbreak which is more to the point, it is the cause not the Symptom but most modern journalists can’t deal with that.

Here is a thought, if we are to take this problem seriously we have to be honest with each other  Humans are what is known in science as an outbreak species.

However we are highly adaptive and cleaver, if we pull together on this and stop mindlessly humiliating each other we could turn the ship around.

Seriously what else have we got to do ?   Build more Walls?  

Bad Leadership = Youth Despair

Posted 18th November 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ

A current topic in the academic circles is something that has become apparent with the convulsions in US politics.
Young people are thinking climate change means the end of civilisation and there is nothing that can be done Just like with gun violence they can’t count on a the older generations to save them.
Yes thanks to modern medicine the life span of our older generations has meant they are hanging around in large numbers with their 20th century political agendas.

The big paradox with climate science is how to frame it to the public. There has been a debate as to try and scare people, which could backfire on an already stressed population or try and tell people not to stress because it’s not that bad but we need to act now... and then make people complacent.

What is apparent The older people who are benefiting from the status quo are trending towards taking the easy road of running out the clock.
And the young  are feeling all the weight of responsibility has been dropped on them by both sides of the political arena.

All the smoke and mirrors from the Trump Media Show is not helping, nor is the endless talk of compromise from the Old School Democrats.

There is no compromise in saving humanity  unless you want to go out counting money like there is no tomorrow. Or you have lived your allotted lifespan! 


The Up Side of Taxation

Posted 10th November 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ

Dear ODT opinion:

Your Journalists should write more about this:
Most people hear the word TAX and it makes them squirm or fly into a rage
but when the Ancient Greeks first invented it they found it was the perfect tool for building a civilisation
not only was it a glue to hold large diverse groups of people together but it sparked democracy, built infrastructure, maintained law and order and encouraged enlightenment and creativity.

I am not saying that powerful people who refuse to pay tax to insure us all against the blows of the natural world are wicked but I think they are blinded by ignorance of how we all interact bonded together by this ancient social contract.

One sure fire indicator of a corrupt or inept society is where paying ones tax feels unpleasant .

In a well oiled society it’s like paradise. Everyone trusts and looks after each other all powered by tax.

And in that case you can honestly say money CAN buy you happiness, your tax is the ultimate life insurance! 

Farming Algae in NZ ?

Posted 10th November 2018 to the Advocate South Newspaper Winton NZ

Southland Farmers are always on the lookout for new Ideas to improve their lot but have they thought about farming algae ?

Instead of draining swamps they could be helping reduce the need for imported fuel.. An interesting fact is Algae grows 100 times faster than land based crops it can be rendered into Jet fuel and the by-product can be used as animal feed.

Seaweed is a form of Macro Algae and has been farmed for centuries for food. The Japanese even harvest it now with underwater lawnmowers and rope forests.

Yes it is 2018 and the US Government wants everyone to burn fossil fuel like there is no tomorrow  but it pays to be one step ahead in their game because there will be no tomorrow for burning Fossil Fuel one way or another.

Also Wellington might encourage self sufficiency just in case. 


Posted November 4th 2018 to the New York Times Newspaper NY NY USA

 Dear NYT opinion: 
Some letters are just a heads up for journalists..
Here in New Zealand boffins have been decoding the News Cycle in respect to the pending climate disaster that the human race is facing down.

For a start human overpopulation is the problem not the climate secondly every aspect of the world we know make have to change dramatically very soon and nobody's status will be safe.
There are just two solutions at our disposal one is start finding radical solutions now to save everyone and the other is wait till a crisis and cull the unwanted population so that the status quo can carry on a little longer.

Terrible news indeed but the worst part is that news cycle clearly is pointing to a bloodbath because if it was not population would be the header on the news cycle every day, not buried in obscure podcasts on the internet.

People may be sheep in the eyes of some leader but they evolved to smell fear and Washington is reeking of it. Herding them with lies and electoral fences might be the worst thing to do right now.

Its time that a good honest discussion takes place because Time is not on our side.

US Capitalism I am afraid is a pure luxury and it will have to go into the failed experiment bin.
And just maybe even the Idea of the United States will have to include other nation states if not all.  

So you better not print this if you favour a planetary blood bath.  

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Bernie Sanders vs Saudi Royal Prince

Borrowed 4th of November 2018 from the TYT youtube channel

Better Broadcasting New Zealand

Posted 31st October 2018 to the Dominion Post Newspaper Wellington NZ

I feel like I must comment on the discussion about the Future of the Media in NZ brought about by Better Broadcasting NZ.
The best minds overseas are thinking the ultimate format will be a subscription based podcast online network
As audio is the quickest way to convey information surprisingly most people  feel better paying donations if they
feel they are doing their civic duty to keep a good product going. Also meaning Journalism can be pure Journalism once the
Media is free of the commercial market place.

The Young Turks, Waking up with Sam Harris, RNZ, the BBC and the New York Times are going down this road as we speak. Although the NY Times probably only needs the subscriptions for the optics and the state broadcasters are already public funded.

I guess broadcast TV will just become comforting background noise for lonely people or chopped up for Youtube. 

American Meltdown Midterms

Posted October 31st 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

At this point in time the USA is going through a frantic stage. They badly need change to deal with the impending future but their system is so inflexible the frustration is reaching a crescendo. It is getting to as point where Americans dare not talk too loud in public about politics as nerves are so on edge. Things could go very pear shaped in the next few weeks as all the pent up anger and disappointment comes to a head in the Midterms. The worst problem is the insecurity the status quo just fails to address the future in any logical way. If you listen to commentators those who are lucky enough to have bags of money they are looking at New Zealand as a bolt hole if things get out of hand.
Perhaps we might want to tell them that if they want to live in a Parliamentary Proportional Democracy they should try it at home first as running away is really not a good strategy. Besides we really won’t want NZ swamped by spoiled American Trust Fund Kids. Believe me! 

Friday, October 26, 2018

Population Home Truths 2018

Posted 27th October 2018 to the Christchurch Press Newspaper Canterbury NZ

Sometimes public feedback sure gets to the heat of the meat of our finite World’s Problems:

Usually the Media editors avoid conversations about unwanted humans. but overpopulation is really a case of unfocused or just bad human thinking aggravated by lack of conversation.

This planet has too many confused, scared and destructive people bashing about blindly tearing the fabric of civilisation. Our governments try desperately to legislate against bad thinking but all we end up with are more  pointless insulting rules, unnecessary taxes, prison overcrowding, war and right-wing talk radio.  

The sad thing about overpopulation is nobody asks to be born yet illogic dictates that we believe punishing unwanted people because dealing reality on this level is just too darn academic when we can’t even agree if life or money is an illusion .

Our political masters are born out of the same crazy dust as everyone else, representatives of our dismally misunderstanding how human life and money work together sadly ignorant of how to use them properly.

We none of us asked to be here but we are so let’s sort it out. Seriously what else is there to do?  

Aulis Alen view from Manapouri NZ

Posted 24th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper NZ

On Oct 19th Aulis Alen got to the heat of the meat that is all the World’s Problems in you public opinion:
POPULATION. All the world’s media beating their chest as are all the politicians and none of them can seem to hit the target.
It really is all about humans in Aulis’s case he is very concerned with unwanted humans but I am more concerned with
stupid ones especially in the west where we have cocooned ourselves in a digital Illusion both literally and figuratively.

There really are too many stupid and destructive people eroding the fabric of civilisation and not enough heroes to keep them under control. Our Governments try desperately to legislate against idiots but we all end up suffering from pointless insulting rules and stupid taxes.  

The sad thing about overpopulation is nobody asks to be born yet stupidity dictates that we believe punishing unwanted people is the way to fix everything because reality is just too darn intellectual.
Truth is  life is real and money is ethereal meaning authority bought with money is no real authority over life.

Crazy rich people are made out of the same dust as everyone else, they are not magical, also they didn’t get any say about being brought into existence either so technically we can’t blame them for us seeding them power over all human life.

This can all be fixed just don’t wait too long as time is running out.

And don’t be stupid. Stay Real. 

Saudi's Trump America

Posted 19th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times


President Donald Trump aka #45 must really want to get on the wrong side of the Republican Party
With the
Jamal Khashoggi case.

It’s one thing to make the USA kiss up to Putin but to Muslims wearing Arabian Garb ??
That’s really going to stick in their craw.

Is Trump trying to get the boot? Is he wanting out ? Will he defect to North Korea ?
What a crazy show this is!  What is his big ending I wonder?

Who writes this reality bending saga?  it’s almost it’s own industry now! 

Published 23 Oct 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Fundamentalist Saudi Fingerprints

Posted 16th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Dunedin NZ

I had an interesting conversation with a visiting British Diplomat some years ago about the Middle East
There was a concern about all the Saudi Oil Money and where it goes to and what influence it has on the world.

Since then we have seen that their export brand of religious anti female humiliation and general cruelty seems to follow that money... A lot of it has seeped into the USA and their morality fingerprints can be found on the throats of some very high officials of the right wing persuasion.

The current situation is interesting with President Donald threatening the Saudis with retribution if they are found to be killing important US Journalists willy nilly... No doubt here will be people closely watching to see who gets flushed of of the Washington bushes so to speak as the Saudi Government ramps up their anti US counter threats.  

US Empire -Trump's Fatal Blow

Posted 9th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper NZ

 I would like to take this moment to mark the passing of the Ideal that was the United States of America  which has just flat lined on the political operating table. 

A bit over 37 years ago President Reagan poisoned the two party system by using his office to destroy unions which where the life blood of the Democratic Party and yesterday it was announced the barely legitimate Republican President of the USA just poisoned the justice system by breaking every rule in the book consequently abandoning over two thirds of the population in the process an consequently faith in the whole system.

Award winning political journalist Chris Hedges predicts that trust in the US Empire is about to collapse.
Maybe we should try and revive the old British Commonwealth Empire or crank an alternative
World government of more mature nations run off crypto currency cannabis and taxation that covers all necessities of life.
who knows,  we could even lure California Oregon & Vermont to join up!   

China, Air B&B and New Zealand Tourism

Posted 3rd October 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper  Invercargill NZ

The Story of Air B&B wrecking Te Anau is symptomatic of western civilisation since Ronald Reagan turned the might of the USA against Unions and the people who work apparently inspired by New Zealand’s then labour government.

Tourism is a wonderful Industry for those who partake in its services but not so good for the people who have to do the work. The poor saps who come from overseas to fill these wonderful jobs that most kiwis avoid like a bad smell.

The rise of the Air B&B is because private enterprise just cant keep up with the needs of tourist combined with the needs of Kiwis to invest money in property instead of an industry they would prefer to avoid.

Back in the Wild Days of the Socialist New Zealand Government before Douglas, Thatcher and Reagan the state made jobs for workers in State Tourism and the power of the state meant not only the ability to respond to the growth of the market but even actually grow it holistically.   

Our modern government boffins are still trying to grow the market, only by dumping planeloads of people on our very finite market and hope the Chinese government  will come and make it all work... with a little help from a silicon valley start up or two from California.

 Not sure where the money goes but it sort of sucks to be a worker in seasonal 21st century New Zealand. 

Department of Conservation Optics

Posted 12 September 2018 to the Advocate South Newspaper NZ

Dear Sir:
I just had a chat with our local Department of Conservation watchdog Ray Willet who is perplexed at the way the DOC
seems to be clueless when it comes to optics. Yes indeed the taxpayer must be wondering were the money goes
as the DOC are clearly not a public service nor are they a business. They do not have to have transparency nor do they have to generate profit. The Building of an expensive new hut on the Milford Track is just another example of this malaise .

There are just so many other things to be done to improve the Fiordland National Park experience that are ignored.
The department management is just not keeping up. The Milford Track is maxed out.

Try something new for goodness sake. Actually fixing problems and making a difference can be so much more rewarding! 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Love, Care & Respect Award due

Special Odentroll Blog post of 29th September 2018 for Facebook.

There are very few people of fame that deserve a Peoples LCR award from this blog
especially our old school politicians, and ones that do tend to get lost in the fog of egos and greed
as well as media bias, we have dug around and found a few real gems but there are many more who
should be rewarded with LCR for their selflessness, character and organising abilities to counter the truly awful people who are endlessly rewarded purely for being despicable with power money and fame.

 Here is to those who refuse to use humiliation as a weapon but wield sympathy and hope .

People like Helen Clark of the United Nations who nearly became the most powerful woman on Earth. If she had and was joined by Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016 their combined power would have been unstoppable.

The good MUST be rewarded.

Monday, September 10, 2018

America Reaches Peak Stupid 2018

Posted 10th September 2018 to the New York Times Newspaper NY USA cc Otago Daily Times

Now that the United States of America has reached peak stupid...
Don’t you think it’s time to open the windows and let the stink out?
America was founded on a dumb idea that only pointless hard toil and unpleasantness is somehow worthy.
Today our smart people are coming up with some great ways to fix the nation’s mindset
but you guys are stuck in the mud spinning your wheels going down the same old road to nowhere.
Everybody in the USA can have a sense of pride and purpose as citizens of the greatest nation ever,
sure it will take time, money and work but what else can we invest our lives in ?
If you are doing your job properly you will see this. Seek out the progressives !
A job well done is more rewarding that anything you can imagine.   

A friendly word to the NZ Government

Posted 10th September 2018 to the Dominion Post Newspaper & Hon Winston Peters

I would like to let my friends in the Government know that there are some really smart Ideas coming out of the Progressives in the USA that could be useful to New Zealand. Government Guaranteed Jobs is one such Idea.
It is UBI with a work focus.

The Idea that People need meaning in their lives is just part of being alive. Prison, Bad Jobs and Work and Income are all toxic to the human spirit and to the nations feeling of togetherness no debate there.

The Government can fix this in many ways but first we need to agree on the focus. And that is without Question bringing skills and purpose.

Our Heritage I think is something most people think is important, be it old technology, Renovation and restoration skills, wildlife conservation, environmental restoration, lost skills once common in NZ or just preserving Kiwiana  would bring back not only a sense of achievement  but more people will learn to be part of our community and not feel like a burden.

It is a myth that all jobs are to sustain the economy there are lots of pointless jobs that produce nothing useful and in many cases harm the environment and clog our highways but worst of all they give little satisfaction. 

America has reached peak stupid and is now thinking again and they want life to have a point for a change. 

A hard question for Richard Dawkins

Posted 8th September 2018 to the New York Times Newspaper NY USA

I would really like to ask our esteemed evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins a question about us Anglo Europeans
what is it in our population that there is a genetic disposition to cruelty and humiliation that is not seen on the same level in other populations?

At this point in history prosperity has never been so great in all regions of this planet yet 50% of our Anglo European population seem hell bent on spreading misery and uncertainty in the political environment.  

Of course this is not a new thing as any history book will tell you a proportion of us are overwhelmed with burning emotions
That make us miserable and in dire need of medication, if not from our own anxiety's but those of our community.

I can only say that all those generations tempered by the climate, sickness and wars of the pre Civilisation Europe must have twisted something of our caveman genetics ? Or is there some other reason like collateral guilt for all our need to control ?

Perhaps this might be the time to do some self reflection before we again unleash our inner demons and the dogs of war.

No Doubt Dawkins would say it is symptomatic of our systems of faith and by proxy, justice and of course stubbornness.