Monday, December 28, 2015

New Global Reality and Al Gore

Posted 28th Dec 2015 to Summer Report Radio New Zealand

Your Program got it right this morning... We are living in a different century and we need to deal with different problems..
THE USA has been Following it’s old formula of protecting it’s interests with Military Force and not keeping the Peace as a Superpower should.
All the problems of today are down to a couple of supreme court Judges in the USA who took it upon themselves put George W Bush in Power and bounced out a President who
understood the need to change with the times. And be a force of reason.

Eventually as more and more people are educated there will be a critical  A HAH moment when we collectively realize we are all vulnerable human beings together in charge of our own survival.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

New Zealand Tourism Bubble 2015

Posted 22nd December to Morning Report Radio New Zealand

Why are people sounding Happy that our Tourism Industry will be broken by shear numbers in February
This is not good for the Country or the Industry it is a Bubble.
Our Government has failed us again. Surely the objective of good Tourism is To improve the Quality of the Product
Not burst it for a four week boom. Ironically the Department of Conservation is the Key Player in Our Tourism Industry yet there is a total lack of Funds
For the Department to Improve its Services and Products let alone Expand them.

The system is Broken and our Tourism Leadership is about inept as it can be.

The United States: Golbal Police or Fire Department

Posted to the New York Times New Paper December 10th 2015

Comedian Bill Maher may not be a politician but he has the ears of powerful People on this Planet
There seems to be a consensus on his show that the United States of America is NOT the World’s Policeman..

Actually by default, It Is. And also a Fireman.

Mr. Maher points out that US Governments and their Corporations embarked on a reckless adventure over the remains of the World’s Previous Empires

But Sadly Bill, Someone has to be in charge of the people of Earth or it will go to hell in a handcart.

All the Ultra Rich who own everything will agree with the question posed the old Midnight Oil song... “How do we sleep when our beds are burning”

Yes playing with fire is fun but it doesn’t look so attractive if there is a back draft.

The USA started a fire in Humanity  in 1900 when we dreamed of being a World Power

Just like Real Fires, Metaphysical Fires must be controlled, and not with Force but Soft Power and Foresight.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

American Angst: Mr Robot

A rare clip from TV that shows the darkness of America's material society embeded in a convoluted story of self deception and delusion

Monday, December 7, 2015

Antarctic & Fiordland Center Christchurch

Posted 30th November 2015 to the Mountain Scene Newspaper Queenstown

The Purchase of the Antarctic Center in Christchurch by Real Journeys is a great chance to showcase Fiordland National Park and Real Journey’s Tourism Products

The Les Hutchins Trust Originally wanted to show case Fiordland in the Town of Te Anau but the numbers did not Work well... 

Ideally the Airport at Christchurch will be a much greater venue opportunity for such a venture
Especially if attached to the Antarctic Center... Parts of the Te Anau Glow Worm Caves would be easy enough to copy... Go back in time on the Steamer Tawera to the Milford Track, Relive the Excavation of the Homer Tunnel Tunnel, Experience Fiordland and Queenstown with 360 degree cinema screens.. Build a Scale Diorama of the Manapouri Power Project, Explore the Marine life in the Depths of Milford Sound.. ? A Prefect Opportunity to fulfill the founders dream... And why not ?

Osama's Grand Plan - On Track

Posted 17th November 2015 to Morning Report Radio New Zealand.

It seems Osama Bin Laden lives on thanks to the past actions of George W Bush
Christopher Hitchins once pointed out that Bin Laden was trained as an Engineer and knew how structures work
and where and when to strike them.

The USA was pretty much going to respond to the Terrorism in a predictable way
And the dysfunctional Political Structure of the Islamic World  Bin Laden would know that the West would get dragged into a
Impossible conflict with it’s historical enemy form the Crusades.

 Popular speculation is he was aiming for the destruction of the West
But some say he was simply wanting to topple the hated Saudi Royal Family..

as for George Bush his daddy was always pushing for a new world order!
Intentions or not at this point of the prospect of never ending Terrorism from the disaffected sons of Islam means we are inching towards those goals
Every passing hour. It is a Insane Game where we are literally & figuratively playing with Fire!

Political Anxiety in New Zealand

Posted 16th of November 2015 to the Southland Times Newspaper

 Good letter from C Findlater of Ryal Bush this weekend on the state of New Zealand’s Gross national Happiness which seems to be on the decline.
Really it has to be said Thatcherist Capitalism does work well if you are Very Lucky and have the means to stay lucky and don’t mind the anxiety that one day your luck will eventually run out.

 As for our Politicians... We don’t really get to pick them, they sort of pick themselves just like all people in power today they all pick each other and we get to endorse
Someone we didn’t want in the first place in an what is jokingly called an election...

I see the Chinese Leaders consider themselves as “administrators”  which is really all we need , the “Game Show” of our Western elections is  really O T T if you think about it.
It should be seen as a Job of Work, not a throne.

Climate Change Oppinion - Trilobites !

Posted 7th November 2015 to the Fiordland Advocate Newspaper

John Baird of Winton has brought up a problem Scientists have with this planet, that is that it is a wonderfully complicated place
And one can not explain it’s complexity to the average person without having to make every argument a one issue problem.
Too much Co2 is not our single problem on planet Earth. Nor is the presence of Human beings, but it is a deadly certainty that
current Human Political thinking is going to choke the Planet to Death if it fails to address the Finite Nature of our resources on this pale blue dot we live on.
The Trilobites managed to Rule this Planet for 270 Million Years because they just got on with living without Wars, Agriculture, Energy Extraction, Religion or Politics..

We are way smarter than Trilobites are we not? We have 269.99 Million Years to go to beat them!

The plight of Raif Badawi - Media Test

Posted 3rd November 2015 to Media Watch Radio New Zealand.

If you need to test our Media organizations for morality
All you have to do is check which ones have published or addressed the Story of Raif Badawi
In Saudi Arabia...

Some News is pure fiction but most damage of it is distortion by omission for reasons of moral rectitude.

Democracy fails when the is no voice of reason to guide it...



Bernie Sanders - The New Great Bird of the Galaxy

Posted 3rd November 2015 to the New York Times Newspaper.

 Ode to the 2016 Visionary,

The Late Gene Roddenberry's future visions have captured the American imagination  in his fiction Stories
The technology excited  many generations of Americans but it was the political development of the Earth under the benevolent guidance of the Future United States
That was one of his greatest Visions.

Today In the World of Roddenberry followers there is one Politician that looks to be ready to take on Gene’s Great Vision for Humanity  where ultimately the Earth is a Peaceful Garden like Planet
And responsible people are rewarded and no people are left to perish in misery. And Humanity its self the currency.

They say if there is one message to the future from the creator of Star Trek from his past incarnation it would read “Feel the Bern”!

Mankind's New Epoc - The Anthropocene era

Posted 27th Oct 2015 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

Our Planet is a good old home, It’s got 4.45 Billion Years on the Clock and is fit to go several Billion more.
It was the Planet of the Trilobites for 270 Million Years and the Planet of the Dinosaurs for 135 Million years after that
And now we have just started the Anthropocene Era (aka the Time of the Biped - Primates)

I often wonder what the place will look like with us as tenants after 100 Million Years
considering we have just about wrecked it after a few mere decades of Global Domination...

It’s a funny thing we don’t actually have a body of our greatest minds yet to steer us as a species but I guess the Trilobites didn’t either and they managed OK.

Unlike our Trilobite ancestors we are part Bonobo and part Chimpanzee in our genetics and we don’t know if we should be peaceful or violent, should we except change or stand our ground... We don’t even know, will we still even be one species or fork again, there could be a Anthropocene Explosion involving some form of intelligence!

Any rate I hope our first Crazy Centuries are “remembered” when we hand over the planet to it’s next Tenants and I hope they forgive our mistakes, with any luck there will be many millions of Anthropocene Years to fix them. 

The Cycle Trail Solution - New Zealand

Posted 25th Oct 2015 to the Fiordland Advocate

 I don’t wish to comment on the State of Cycle Trails in New Zealand today and if they are a panacea..
I don’t think we are on a bandwagon when we ask for the use of our National Park for a new Recreation Resource
And Tourism Product....  It’s been 30 years since the Kepler Track was cranked up and I think we can afford to try something new.
The Trail From Manapouri to Te Anau was a merger of two Ideas.. In the 1990s I mooted that if the Kepler Track was extended to
Manapouri Township so we could have a Bus Service between Towns to service Trampers, Shaun Cantwell was pushing a decade later to
Make a Recreational Cycleway down the Upper Waiau River then someone had the bright Idea to Combine the Ideas and Join the Communities
togeather with a Showcase Fiordland Project. And the odd thing was, at the start... The Department of Conservation was going to drive it.
So really, there was no real downside... In 2007...

A E Nicholson

* Published 29th Oct

United States of Planet Earth - President Who ?

Posted 23rd Oct 2015 to Radio NZ - The Panel with Jim Mora.

Please Ask the panel for me..
If The US President is the most powerful man on Earth
Which candidate would the People of Earth Want to Vote for ?

Has anyone ever done a Poll ? If Not why Not?