Friday, October 26, 2018

Population Home Truths 2018

Posted 27th October 2018 to the Christchurch Press Newspaper Canterbury NZ

Sometimes public feedback sure gets to the heat of the meat of our finite World’s Problems:

Usually the Media editors avoid conversations about unwanted humans. but overpopulation is really a case of unfocused or just bad human thinking aggravated by lack of conversation.

This planet has too many confused, scared and destructive people bashing about blindly tearing the fabric of civilisation. Our governments try desperately to legislate against bad thinking but all we end up with are more  pointless insulting rules, unnecessary taxes, prison overcrowding, war and right-wing talk radio.  

The sad thing about overpopulation is nobody asks to be born yet illogic dictates that we believe punishing unwanted people because dealing reality on this level is just too darn academic when we can’t even agree if life or money is an illusion .

Our political masters are born out of the same crazy dust as everyone else, representatives of our dismally misunderstanding how human life and money work together sadly ignorant of how to use them properly.

We none of us asked to be here but we are so let’s sort it out. Seriously what else is there to do?  

Aulis Alen view from Manapouri NZ

Posted 24th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper NZ

On Oct 19th Aulis Alen got to the heat of the meat that is all the World’s Problems in you public opinion:
POPULATION. All the world’s media beating their chest as are all the politicians and none of them can seem to hit the target.
It really is all about humans in Aulis’s case he is very concerned with unwanted humans but I am more concerned with
stupid ones especially in the west where we have cocooned ourselves in a digital Illusion both literally and figuratively.

There really are too many stupid and destructive people eroding the fabric of civilisation and not enough heroes to keep them under control. Our Governments try desperately to legislate against idiots but we all end up suffering from pointless insulting rules and stupid taxes.  

The sad thing about overpopulation is nobody asks to be born yet stupidity dictates that we believe punishing unwanted people is the way to fix everything because reality is just too darn intellectual.
Truth is  life is real and money is ethereal meaning authority bought with money is no real authority over life.

Crazy rich people are made out of the same dust as everyone else, they are not magical, also they didn’t get any say about being brought into existence either so technically we can’t blame them for us seeding them power over all human life.

This can all be fixed just don’t wait too long as time is running out.

And don’t be stupid. Stay Real. 

Saudi's Trump America

Posted 19th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times


President Donald Trump aka #45 must really want to get on the wrong side of the Republican Party
With the
Jamal Khashoggi case.

It’s one thing to make the USA kiss up to Putin but to Muslims wearing Arabian Garb ??
That’s really going to stick in their craw.

Is Trump trying to get the boot? Is he wanting out ? Will he defect to North Korea ?
What a crazy show this is!  What is his big ending I wonder?

Who writes this reality bending saga?  it’s almost it’s own industry now! 

Published 23 Oct 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Fundamentalist Saudi Fingerprints

Posted 16th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Dunedin NZ

I had an interesting conversation with a visiting British Diplomat some years ago about the Middle East
There was a concern about all the Saudi Oil Money and where it goes to and what influence it has on the world.

Since then we have seen that their export brand of religious anti female humiliation and general cruelty seems to follow that money... A lot of it has seeped into the USA and their morality fingerprints can be found on the throats of some very high officials of the right wing persuasion.

The current situation is interesting with President Donald threatening the Saudis with retribution if they are found to be killing important US Journalists willy nilly... No doubt here will be people closely watching to see who gets flushed of of the Washington bushes so to speak as the Saudi Government ramps up their anti US counter threats.  

US Empire -Trump's Fatal Blow

Posted 9th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper NZ

 I would like to take this moment to mark the passing of the Ideal that was the United States of America  which has just flat lined on the political operating table. 

A bit over 37 years ago President Reagan poisoned the two party system by using his office to destroy unions which where the life blood of the Democratic Party and yesterday it was announced the barely legitimate Republican President of the USA just poisoned the justice system by breaking every rule in the book consequently abandoning over two thirds of the population in the process an consequently faith in the whole system.

Award winning political journalist Chris Hedges predicts that trust in the US Empire is about to collapse.
Maybe we should try and revive the old British Commonwealth Empire or crank an alternative
World government of more mature nations run off crypto currency cannabis and taxation that covers all necessities of life.
who knows,  we could even lure California Oregon & Vermont to join up!   

China, Air B&B and New Zealand Tourism

Posted 3rd October 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper  Invercargill NZ

The Story of Air B&B wrecking Te Anau is symptomatic of western civilisation since Ronald Reagan turned the might of the USA against Unions and the people who work apparently inspired by New Zealand’s then labour government.

Tourism is a wonderful Industry for those who partake in its services but not so good for the people who have to do the work. The poor saps who come from overseas to fill these wonderful jobs that most kiwis avoid like a bad smell.

The rise of the Air B&B is because private enterprise just cant keep up with the needs of tourist combined with the needs of Kiwis to invest money in property instead of an industry they would prefer to avoid.

Back in the Wild Days of the Socialist New Zealand Government before Douglas, Thatcher and Reagan the state made jobs for workers in State Tourism and the power of the state meant not only the ability to respond to the growth of the market but even actually grow it holistically.   

Our modern government boffins are still trying to grow the market, only by dumping planeloads of people on our very finite market and hope the Chinese government  will come and make it all work... with a little help from a silicon valley start up or two from California.

 Not sure where the money goes but it sort of sucks to be a worker in seasonal 21st century New Zealand. 

Department of Conservation Optics

Posted 12 September 2018 to the Advocate South Newspaper NZ

Dear Sir:
I just had a chat with our local Department of Conservation watchdog Ray Willet who is perplexed at the way the DOC
seems to be clueless when it comes to optics. Yes indeed the taxpayer must be wondering were the money goes
as the DOC are clearly not a public service nor are they a business. They do not have to have transparency nor do they have to generate profit. The Building of an expensive new hut on the Milford Track is just another example of this malaise .

There are just so many other things to be done to improve the Fiordland National Park experience that are ignored.
The department management is just not keeping up. The Milford Track is maxed out.

Try something new for goodness sake. Actually fixing problems and making a difference can be so much more rewarding!