Friday, January 18, 2013

Southland Times - Steamer Tawera

Story Submission 13 January 2013

I happen to know that Real Journeys is thinking about what to do with there 114 year old Lake Steamer Tawera which is sitting in their Yard, Rusting.
She was gifted to the Fiordland Museum Trust set up by the late Les Hutchins but the trust never past the Talking Stage and has become largely irrelevant.

In 2007 I was part of a failed bid by group of enthusiasts who set out to restore the old girl to her original specs as a Historic Icon.

As this Steam once Beautiful Launch is the last surviving artefact of 19th Century Te Anau and the Early Milford Track days I figure some sort of Public Poll
Might be in order.

If you are interested there are 4 main options that have been considered to date, firstly strip her down and place her in Lions Park for the Kids to Play on.
Secondly place her inside a Museum (Yet to be built) thirdly Fully Restore her to Original Specs as a working Museum Piece. Fourthly Restore Her to look like her original self but with a diesel motor and put her to work as the Milford Track transport Barge thus making her the oldest working ship on Lloyds Register.

I Have a Fifth Option too.... Dress her up as a SS Mini Ben Lomond and put her to work with the Kingston Flyer at the Kingston Quay doing Photo cruises.

Anyway what ever happens her fate should involve the Community and the maybe even the Nation as she should be a historic treasure.
The Cost would be negligible, the rewards great.

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