Friday, January 18, 2013

Fiordland Advocate - Frana Cardino

Letter to Hot Topics 19th January 2013

Could the good people in the Southland District Council please not undermine their Mayor, We love our Friendly Lady Mayor from Te Anau to be our Figure Head.
But we can’t have her speaking on behalf of a council who has members who act out of step with what it’s elected figurehead is saying.

Frana is the suppose to be the eyes and ears of the Council and we need to know if she says something we can take it to the Bank. And as too Nice she is unlikely to tell her people to pull their socks up, so I think Council Member need to to mindful that it can look bad from the outside if you appear to undermine your leader.

Southland is a Rich stable province, surely it can handle proper Democracy and Unity.

I have seen this mask crack over the last couple of years, especially in the area of Tourism Strategy. In particular View Hill Manapouri.

1 comment:

  1. Just now discovered your blog and am delighted to have done so. I'll bookmark you and try to keep up! Good luck with these projects of yours and keep a weather eye on Frana :-)
