Saturday, January 12, 2019

Silicon Valley Robber Barons - Booking Systems

Posted 27th December 2018 to the Mountain Scene Newspaper Queenstown NZ

I hate to point it out but NZ Tourism has been taken for a ride by Silicon Valley California which is clipping every ticket in the country so to speak, Yes every business that uses ON-LINE BOOKING is giving their hard earned money to modern day Robber Barons.

We had our own home grown Information sites that use to handle the flow of tourists but they did not keep up with technology nor did our feckless government tourism ministry  especially when it was run by our previous alleged Prime Minister.

There are some who refuse to partake in this nonsense money leeching algorithm but one has to take a hit because silicon valley has changed the nature of tourism its self to a point where the Idea of following one nose has become antiquated and human recreation its self is now controlled by some kind of destructive artificial intelligence.

But that is another story.  

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