Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Up Side of Taxation

Posted 10th November 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ

Dear ODT opinion:

Your Journalists should write more about this:
Most people hear the word TAX and it makes them squirm or fly into a rage
but when the Ancient Greeks first invented it they found it was the perfect tool for building a civilisation
not only was it a glue to hold large diverse groups of people together but it sparked democracy, built infrastructure, maintained law and order and encouraged enlightenment and creativity.

I am not saying that powerful people who refuse to pay tax to insure us all against the blows of the natural world are wicked but I think they are blinded by ignorance of how we all interact bonded together by this ancient social contract.

One sure fire indicator of a corrupt or inept society is where paying ones tax feels unpleasant .

In a well oiled society it’s like paradise. Everyone trusts and looks after each other all powered by tax.

And in that case you can honestly say money CAN buy you happiness, your tax is the ultimate life insurance! 

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