Saturday, August 27, 2016


Posted 29th July 2016 to the Otago Daily Times newspaper Dunedin NZ

 Not a day goes past without Auckland dominating the Nations news with it housing crisis.

Every day it is harder not to see Auckland as a city of dystopia sucking the life blood out of the rest of the country,
one hope is for Helen Clark to instigate a new united nations of the world that is human & nature based seeing as
19th century nation states and medieval institutions are fading into oblivion with the globalization movement onset.

Cities even now are joining together as central governments weaken.
Cities, it is believed will once again become like little states and will have to buddy up with each other and those built on pondzi foundations
will fail.

Also it seems a world government is badly needed to save the planet. Whether the UN, USA or the cities of the old British Commonwealth could
pull that off depends on if there are enough adults left to run it and if anyone will vote for them.

However right now capital gains and transaction taxes would be a smart move forward to prepare us whatever happens next .  


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