Sunday, April 3, 2016

Department of Conservation NZ: Cycling

Posted February 2nd 2016 to the Dominion Post Newspaper Wellington NZ

Years ago our Department of Conservation Rule- makers  thought they could write Rules for the use of our National Parks in Stone.
This was a noble thought for our National Parks to be held in higher regard than the members of the public but sometimes thing got a little out of hand
with Puritanical Ideas. The Idea of Cycling in our Parks seemed repugnant to someone in those days as bringing along with Dogs and Shot Guns on a hike.
But Now times have Changed and the Idea that some parts of some National Parks should be set aside for Cycleways.. And there is a movement that a review of the Rules should be undertaken.
But Perhaps that is not needed as the System currently allows Wheeled Vehicles under permit it seems. I think the Department could with in its own rites  Issue a “Bike Pass” permit for selected parks for a modest price,
covering not just new trails but suitable walking tracks in the Off Season or Special Events...It could help pay some maintenance bills. just a suggestion but Perhaps the Minister in charge might have some helpful comments ? 


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