Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Fiordland Advocate - Wishing and Wishlists

Posted on 8th of September 2014 to the Fiordland Advocate Hot Topic Te Anau NZ

Interesting Devil’s Advocate piece  4th September about Cycleway Dreams vs Reality for Te Anau, plus your feedback on Fiordland’s Future is a good discussion point.
Our region has a real struggle with direction vs stagnation because for many here it is perfect the way it is and any more prosperity will just ruin it... But it can get a little dull if things never change and the rest of the world moves on while you sit still.

I had long ago targeted projects that would bring pleasant change without wrecking the ambience of the area but they mostly involve the Great Fiordland National Park or the DOC Estate and there lies the Rub, because that great wilderness on our doorstep is a huge asset.  If managed wrongly it would bring way too much prosperity to our fragile community and we could be over run!

It is a well known fact that too much money to spare is more destructive to a happy community than having none.  But that being said we could do with a special WINTER Kepler Track for the off season to show off our new Bird Sanctuary's and a Scenic Cycleway between the Lakes to take in our special Lord of the Rings Sites. That’s not going to upset our prosperity adding another couple of attractions for locals or tourists to make use of. If we keep reasonably quiet about them.

On the other hand If the Park ever needs a Big Ticket Item DOC can always build a Grand Fiordland Track link up, but are probably not capable of managing it under current constrictions. Winterizing the Kepler they could do in there down time... If they want to work for free...  Hey, who knows...  perhaps John Davies will inject some of his Queenstown Zing into the Kepler and kick start a new era for Te Anau and maybe bring us back the Milford Track as well.

Published  page 7  11th September 2014 titled Interesting.

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