Thursday, July 31, 2014

NY Times - Israel Evacuation Plan

Posted 1 August 2014 to the New York Times Public Opinion

 I think America should apologize to the Jewish people for letting them think they could all go and live in Palestine.
It is Clear that they thought they would be there till the end of time under the protection of the United States Military Complex Umbrella.
But it’s darn hard to live in a nation planted amongst hostile Neighbors...  If America at some point fails to hold back the angry hoards
Where are the Israelis going to live ?  GW Bush Started too many Wars and the US Government is broken and refuses to follow it’s executive branch
so that gives all the angry people a chance for rebellion they wouldn’t normally have.

I think a Plan B should at least be considered for a Jewish Homeland... Madagascar was one past suggestion, some one even mentioned Detroit.
Hollywood joked about Central Mexico. Maybe their patron Rupert Murdoch could pull some strings and get them a Mega Ranch on the East Coast of Australia!

But Seriously,  What if the USA is just stretched too thin. We promised them Never Again with the Holocaust, can we deliver.

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