Monday, April 14, 2014

S F Chronicle - Youtube Controllers

Posted 12th of April 2014 to the San Francisco Chronicle

As one cannot Communicate directly to Youtube
Can I ask you to Post this letter in your Paper?

Dear Faceless Youtube controllers

Youtube HQ should make copyright complainants produce evidence of ownership before
inflicting channels with Copyright Strikes, and also it would be nice if you could ask politely for channels to "Take Down" video Clips that are suddenly deemed private property years after they have been posted. Most people would be glad to oblige, after all Some channels are public resource based and non profit individuals who are volunteering their services to youtube.  BTW a old short low quality clip should have a legal status as a “sample” or “thumbnail” it is nonsense to call it a illegal copy. It is worse than comparing Weed to Crack !  Please get some perspective and treat your supporters with some respect.

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