Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bathhurst Denniston Supreme Court Coal Debate

Posted to Busyness Day 20/9/13

I don't want to Burst the Bubble but the Capitalist Economy is ONLY A GAME, it is not based on any Science at all.

To think for one moment that exploiting every last crumb of energy is going to save this insane system of wealth distribution is dangerous nonsense. Money is NOT made from Coal, it is manufactured electronically by the US Federal Reserve. Our Environment is REAL and as President Obama said,
Climate Chgange Denial is real Flat Earth Stuff.

Yes we should be honoured to dig coal with our bare hands for our Glorious Chinese Overloards.
I don't want to Burst the Bubble but the Capitalist Economy is ONLY A GAME, it is not based on any Science at all. 
To think for one moment that exploiting every last crumb of energy is going to save this insane system of wealth distribution is dangerous nonsense. Money is NOT made from Coal, it is Manufactured electronically by the US Federal Reserve. Our Environment is REAL and as President Obama said Climate Change denial is real Flat Earth Stuff,

I don't want to Burst the Bubble but the Capitalist Economy is ONLY A GAME, it is not based on any Science at all.
To think for one moment that exploiting every last crumb of energy is going to save this insane system of wealth distribution is dangerous nonsense. Money is NOT made from Coal, it is Manufactured electronically by the US Federal Reserve. Our Environment is REAL and as President Obama said Climate Change denial is real Flat Earth Stuff,

don't want to Burst the Bubble but the Capitalist Economy is ONLY A GAME, it is not based on any Science at all. 
To think for one moment that exploiting every last crumb of energy is going to save this insane system of wealth distribution is dangerous nonsense. Money is NOT made from Coal, it is Manufactured electronically by the US Federal Reserve. Our Environment is REAL and as President Obama said Climate Change denial is real Flat Earth Stuff,
don't want to Burst the Bubble but the Capitalist Economy is ONLY A GAME, it is not based on any Science at all. 
To think for one moment that exploiting every last crumb of energy is going to save this insane system of wealth distribution is dangerous nonsense. Money is NOT made from Coal, it is Manufactured electronically by the US Federal Reserve. Our Environment is REAL and as President Obama said Climate Change denial is real Flat Earth Stuff,

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