Posted 24th June 2015 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ
At last there is an Honest Politician in the USA who is running for the Whitehouse. Independent Stalwart Bernie Sanders is unusual as he got kudos for telling the hard Truth and not sugar coated lies.
I wonder if this will come to anything, or will the American desire to not hear anything unpleasant overwhelm him? Like the Pope in Rome he says it time to stop goofing about with Money and start investing in the Future. But it still unclear how either of them can address the real cause of every major problem on Earth, what to do with Unwanted People.
No one person, culture or Nation can touch that problem, they can’t even say it exists.
I don’t know about the Pope but I think a provincial NZ Newspaper might be cheeky enough to ask Bernie about a problem that is at the heart of every conflict and disaster facing us Humans collectively.
Bernie Says it Socialism that will Fix the United States but what about the rest of us ? But the USA Prints the World’s Money so EVERY US Citizen can potentially live as Kings...
Isn’t that a just little unfair to the rest of us ? Won’t we feel unwanted?
At last there is an Honest Politician in the USA who is running for the Whitehouse. Independent Stalwart Bernie Sanders is unusual as he got kudos for telling the hard Truth and not sugar coated lies.
I wonder if this will come to anything, or will the American desire to not hear anything unpleasant overwhelm him? Like the Pope in Rome he says it time to stop goofing about with Money and start investing in the Future. But it still unclear how either of them can address the real cause of every major problem on Earth, what to do with Unwanted People.
No one person, culture or Nation can touch that problem, they can’t even say it exists.
I don’t know about the Pope but I think a provincial NZ Newspaper might be cheeky enough to ask Bernie about a problem that is at the heart of every conflict and disaster facing us Humans collectively.
Bernie Says it Socialism that will Fix the United States but what about the rest of us ? But the USA Prints the World’s Money so EVERY US Citizen can potentially live as Kings...
Isn’t that a just little unfair to the rest of us ? Won’t we feel unwanted?