Sunday, June 28, 2015

Southland's Solid Energy Future - Debate 2015

Posted 3rd June 2015 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

Good on David Russell for his opinion on Solid Energy May 30th. I recall saying a word or two to Jack Murrell in this Paper a while back,
Argueing Southland’s Coal Reserves are a strategic reserve best left in the Ground, looks like That’s a good plan now.
The World is a changing too fast now to plan ahead we are living on borrowed Money and Borrowed Time the traditional lines of
Race, Politics and Culture are globally changing into a Divide between the Narcissists and the Empaths, one side say steal from our Children an the other
Says we can ALL have a great life with less greed.  Our Energy needs and our employment Prospects all depend on the outcome of this struggle. It is Clear that Southland and Westland industries are going to be greatly effected by Energy Issues so some sort of contingency plan might be in order that dare I say involves a level of social empathy not seem here since the 1970s ! 

(photo: Jack Murrell)

*Published June 4th titled An Empath Writes

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