Posted 27th October 2018 to the Christchurch Press Newspaper Canterbury NZ
Sometimes public feedback sure gets to the heat of the meat of our finite World’s Problems:
Usually the Media editors avoid conversations about unwanted humans. but overpopulation is really a case of unfocused or just bad human thinking aggravated by lack of conversation.
This planet has too many confused, scared and destructive people bashing about blindly tearing the fabric of civilisation. Our governments try desperately to legislate against bad thinking but all we end up with are more pointless insulting rules, unnecessary taxes, prison overcrowding, war and right-wing talk radio.
The sad thing about overpopulation is nobody asks to be born yet illogic dictates that we believe punishing unwanted people because dealing reality on this level is just too darn academic when we can’t even agree if life or money is an illusion .
Our political masters are born out of the same crazy dust as everyone else, representatives of our dismally misunderstanding how human life and money work together sadly ignorant of how to use them properly.
We none of us asked to be here but we are so let’s sort it out. Seriously what else is there to do?