Tuesday, October 16, 2018

US Empire -Trump's Fatal Blow

Posted 9th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper NZ

 I would like to take this moment to mark the passing of the Ideal that was the United States of America  which has just flat lined on the political operating table. 

A bit over 37 years ago President Reagan poisoned the two party system by using his office to destroy unions which where the life blood of the Democratic Party and yesterday it was announced the barely legitimate Republican President of the USA just poisoned the justice system by breaking every rule in the book consequently abandoning over two thirds of the population in the process an consequently faith in the whole system.

Award winning political journalist Chris Hedges predicts that trust in the US Empire is about to collapse.
Maybe we should try and revive the old British Commonwealth Empire or crank an alternative
World government of more mature nations run off crypto currency cannabis and taxation that covers all necessities of life.
who knows,  we could even lure California Oregon & Vermont to join up!   

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