Tuesday, October 16, 2018

China, Air B&B and New Zealand Tourism

Posted 3rd October 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper  Invercargill NZ

The Story of Air B&B wrecking Te Anau is symptomatic of western civilisation since Ronald Reagan turned the might of the USA against Unions and the people who work apparently inspired by New Zealand’s then labour government.

Tourism is a wonderful Industry for those who partake in its services but not so good for the people who have to do the work. The poor saps who come from overseas to fill these wonderful jobs that most kiwis avoid like a bad smell.

The rise of the Air B&B is because private enterprise just cant keep up with the needs of tourist combined with the needs of Kiwis to invest money in property instead of an industry they would prefer to avoid.

Back in the Wild Days of the Socialist New Zealand Government before Douglas, Thatcher and Reagan the state made jobs for workers in State Tourism and the power of the state meant not only the ability to respond to the growth of the market but even actually grow it holistically.   

Our modern government boffins are still trying to grow the market, only by dumping planeloads of people on our very finite market and hope the Chinese government  will come and make it all work... with a little help from a silicon valley start up or two from California.

 Not sure where the money goes but it sort of sucks to be a worker in seasonal 21st century New Zealand. 

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