Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Fundamentalist Saudi Fingerprints

Posted 16th October 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Dunedin NZ

I had an interesting conversation with a visiting British Diplomat some years ago about the Middle East
There was a concern about all the Saudi Oil Money and where it goes to and what influence it has on the world.

Since then we have seen that their export brand of religious anti female humiliation and general cruelty seems to follow that money... A lot of it has seeped into the USA and their morality fingerprints can be found on the throats of some very high officials of the right wing persuasion.

The current situation is interesting with President Donald threatening the Saudis with retribution if they are found to be killing important US Journalists willy nilly... No doubt here will be people closely watching to see who gets flushed of of the Washington bushes so to speak as the Saudi Government ramps up their anti US counter threats.  

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