Thursday, September 10, 2015

Media Climate Distortions - ODT

Posted 3rd August 2015 to the Otago Daily Times Nespaper Dunedin NZ

Out here in the Rural Heartland I have noticed the seeping in of Right Wing American Talkback rhetoric about Man Made Climate Change.
If you want to Argue that Cows have a negative effect on the environment I think it’s fair to argue that maybe it’s not that much on a planet this size.
But you surely can’t say that Cows don’t exist or in the Case of Man Made Climate Change, that it is all an Illusion.

However the Right Wing Shock Jocks don’t stop there They call man made Climate change a Faith or Religion which is bizarre to say the least.
If being slightly concerned about a possible danger is just “Faith” to them, then I think they must have no fear, empathy or a desire to survive.

As someone who has lived in the USA I would like to point out that Right Wing Shock Jock Radio Hosts are what you call “Barking Mad”
and they do it for ratings and entertainment. Yes they DO exist albeit in a Logic Free Bubble. Please do not take what they say too seriously.

And don’t ask scientists for complicated facts if you can’t understand complex issues that you are not trained to comprehend.
Very few people can articulate how an Iphone works...That dosn’t mean they don’t exist or that they run on magic!

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