Thursday, September 10, 2015

Landcorp - State Owned Realestate NZ

Posted 19th August 2015 to  Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ

 Hearing ex Landcorp head Chris Kelly on National Radio on the state of this SOE makes one ask again if our leaders have lost their way.

It was a Nobel thing that Governments past broke in new farms for returned servicemen but its sad that we have to suffer WARS to do this,
and as we didn’t have any wars for a while our government deemed that this service should be scrapped and replaced with a State owned Enterprise.
This was despite the fact they had a Ballot System in place for keen young Farmers who wanted to have a farm of their own and had not served in any conflict.

In today's crazy world it would be comforting to have such an option especially when you look at the capital gains the winners of those Ballot Farms have today.

Just why is it servicemen where so much more deserving than ordinary workers and children of farmers anyway? Every Worker Risks their life in one way or another when they do a job,
policemen risk their lives as much as many servicemen, large amounts of servicemen & women are purely their for administration and support and are less likely to get killed in their job
than your average Taxi Driver.

So how did the great Ideal of a Government hand Up  end up carving up the unspoiled Vista of Make Manapouri to sell Lifestyle Blocks to Rich People for Trophy Houses?
And How did they manage to pull a Public Easement off of a Landmark Hill with links to early Maori there to sell it to an Asian National? 

It’s all a bit of a mess.  Perhaps next election cycle the public should “vote in” a Parliament that is not a bad parody of the Lord of the Flies and bring in some grown ups for a change.

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