Thursday, June 19, 2014

Insight NZ - Department of Conservation tweeks

Posted  8th of June 2014 to  Insight  NZ Radio New Zealand

Thank you for doing a segment on the New Zealand Tourism Industry...
I have studied our Tourism Industry for decades and I think if the Government wants to
Double tourism’s profit in the next few years The Government will have to start doing some
Physical work of its own!

As it was in the past, the Government is the only outfit in this country that can coordinate Tourism objectives holistically,
private enterprise in NZ is just not up to keeping up with the play without the Government setting the pace.

I live on the border of Fiordland National Park and I have seen here that here and because of the seasonal nature of the region
The private sector operators can only pick the low hanging fruit and now has little or no competition to keep them sharp.

Nearly all our attractions where build up for or are by-products of Local and Central Government and that all stopped in the 1980s

The Private Sector has just milked those legacy assets to the limit and has stupidly overbuild in the accommodation sector
especially in Campsites.. And ironically the Department of Conservation is set to build it’s own campground empire to compete.

If Mr Key is serious about boosting Tourism then his Department of Conservation needs to lead the way.. make it’s own new product’s and not steal
custom from small time private sector investors. The DOC also has to treat the public with more respect in the measure of comfort and safety
Two things that should never be seen as counter to their conservation philosophy...

After ALL, the DOC boys have been given ALL the very best parts of New Zealand under their stewardship to benefit ALL.

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