Saturday, May 25, 2019

Trump or Snap Election

Posted 22nd May 2019 to the Dominion Post Newspaper Wellington NZ

Things are looking very tricky for democracy in the United States at the moment with the breakdown of law in the higher levels of government. It is a dangerous game of chicken between the White House and Congress at play. 

There is only one tool in the box left to save the United States if congress fails. 

A snap election is the only peaceful hope. If that is held up by civil disobedience the complicated systems of this high tech civilisation will stop working. idiots with guns can not keep the systems going and 21st Century Americans are not capable of foraging for food and fuel like people of Venezuela.

There is another safety valve, many individual States are capable of self preservation if the federal system fails and just maybe the world could do without a mega super power if its too hard to keep it under control.
BTW Isn’t that is why FDR made the United Nations ? 

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