Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Missing Leaders of the Anthropocene

Posted 29th November 2018 to the Dominion Post Newspaper Wellington New Zealand.

I see Fairfax has opened up a discussion on Climate Change caused by the great Antropocene population Outbreak 
I have observed that the problem with any action is that the population is waiting for leaders to tell us what to do.
I always imagined that the President of the United States would lead the way with a Special TV announcement and was somewhat surprised that President Obama dealt with broaching the issue as a throw away comment to a journalist stating “Of Course Climate Change is Real” in passing.. Only to be surpassed by president Trump’s Chinese Hoax statement a couple of years later.

We seemed to have now reached an impasse where we have a stressed population awaiting instructions and awaiting Leaders. Children & teenagers take it the worst as they don’t get a feeling our civilisation really wants to carry on.

Many Humans are really creative, adaptive and some are very cleaver but really great leaders are very hard to come by.
And we don’t look for them, they have to come forward.
Let’s hope they can get their act together sooner than later. 


Fairfax Media - Anthropocene Stance

Posted 28th November 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

I read Nov 28th Patrick Crewdson says print media should make human made Climate change a serious subject.
I knew this back in the 1970s when Gordon Rattray Taylor brought out a popular book on the subject but yet
we are still waiting for popular movement to rise. This may be happening if the new blood in the US Congress can float the Green New Deal but part of the problem is The Media did not find the right tag, they used Global Warming and then Climate Change,  Social Media has the Anthropocene Outbreak which is more to the point, it is the cause not the Symptom but most modern journalists can’t deal with that.

Here is a thought, if we are to take this problem seriously we have to be honest with each other  Humans are what is known in science as an outbreak species.

However we are highly adaptive and cleaver, if we pull together on this and stop mindlessly humiliating each other we could turn the ship around.

Seriously what else have we got to do ?   Build more Walls?  

Bad Leadership = Youth Despair

Posted 18th November 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ

A current topic in the academic circles is something that has become apparent with the convulsions in US politics.
Young people are thinking climate change means the end of civilisation and there is nothing that can be done Just like with gun violence they can’t count on a the older generations to save them.
Yes thanks to modern medicine the life span of our older generations has meant they are hanging around in large numbers with their 20th century political agendas.

The big paradox with climate science is how to frame it to the public. There has been a debate as to try and scare people, which could backfire on an already stressed population or try and tell people not to stress because it’s not that bad but we need to act now... and then make people complacent.

What is apparent The older people who are benefiting from the status quo are trending towards taking the easy road of running out the clock.
And the young  are feeling all the weight of responsibility has been dropped on them by both sides of the political arena.

All the smoke and mirrors from the Trump Media Show is not helping, nor is the endless talk of compromise from the Old School Democrats.

There is no compromise in saving humanity  unless you want to go out counting money like there is no tomorrow. Or you have lived your allotted lifespan! 


The Up Side of Taxation

Posted 10th November 2018 to the Otago Daily Times Newspaper Dunedin NZ

Dear ODT opinion:

Your Journalists should write more about this:
Most people hear the word TAX and it makes them squirm or fly into a rage
but when the Ancient Greeks first invented it they found it was the perfect tool for building a civilisation
not only was it a glue to hold large diverse groups of people together but it sparked democracy, built infrastructure, maintained law and order and encouraged enlightenment and creativity.

I am not saying that powerful people who refuse to pay tax to insure us all against the blows of the natural world are wicked but I think they are blinded by ignorance of how we all interact bonded together by this ancient social contract.

One sure fire indicator of a corrupt or inept society is where paying ones tax feels unpleasant .

In a well oiled society it’s like paradise. Everyone trusts and looks after each other all powered by tax.

And in that case you can honestly say money CAN buy you happiness, your tax is the ultimate life insurance! 

Farming Algae in NZ ?

Posted 10th November 2018 to the Advocate South Newspaper Winton NZ

Southland Farmers are always on the lookout for new Ideas to improve their lot but have they thought about farming algae ?

Instead of draining swamps they could be helping reduce the need for imported fuel.. An interesting fact is Algae grows 100 times faster than land based crops it can be rendered into Jet fuel and the by-product can be used as animal feed.

Seaweed is a form of Macro Algae and has been farmed for centuries for food. The Japanese even harvest it now with underwater lawnmowers and rope forests.

Yes it is 2018 and the US Government wants everyone to burn fossil fuel like there is no tomorrow  but it pays to be one step ahead in their game because there will be no tomorrow for burning Fossil Fuel one way or another.

Also Wellington might encourage self sufficiency just in case. 


Posted November 4th 2018 to the New York Times Newspaper NY NY USA

 Dear NYT opinion: 
Some letters are just a heads up for journalists..
Here in New Zealand boffins have been decoding the News Cycle in respect to the pending climate disaster that the human race is facing down.

For a start human overpopulation is the problem not the climate secondly every aspect of the world we know make have to change dramatically very soon and nobody's status will be safe.
There are just two solutions at our disposal one is start finding radical solutions now to save everyone and the other is wait till a crisis and cull the unwanted population so that the status quo can carry on a little longer.

Terrible news indeed but the worst part is that news cycle clearly is pointing to a bloodbath because if it was not population would be the header on the news cycle every day, not buried in obscure podcasts on the internet.

People may be sheep in the eyes of some leader but they evolved to smell fear and Washington is reeking of it. Herding them with lies and electoral fences might be the worst thing to do right now.

Its time that a good honest discussion takes place because Time is not on our side.

US Capitalism I am afraid is a pure luxury and it will have to go into the failed experiment bin.
And just maybe even the Idea of the United States will have to include other nation states if not all.  

So you better not print this if you favour a planetary blood bath.  

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Bernie Sanders vs Saudi Royal Prince

Borrowed 4th of November 2018 from the TYT youtube channel

Better Broadcasting New Zealand

Posted 31st October 2018 to the Dominion Post Newspaper Wellington NZ

I feel like I must comment on the discussion about the Future of the Media in NZ brought about by Better Broadcasting NZ.
The best minds overseas are thinking the ultimate format will be a subscription based podcast online network
As audio is the quickest way to convey information surprisingly most people  feel better paying donations if they
feel they are doing their civic duty to keep a good product going. Also meaning Journalism can be pure Journalism once the
Media is free of the commercial market place.

The Young Turks, Waking up with Sam Harris, RNZ, the BBC and the New York Times are going down this road as we speak. Although the NY Times probably only needs the subscriptions for the optics and the state broadcasters are already public funded.

I guess broadcast TV will just become comforting background noise for lonely people or chopped up for Youtube. 

American Meltdown Midterms

Posted October 31st 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

At this point in time the USA is going through a frantic stage. They badly need change to deal with the impending future but their system is so inflexible the frustration is reaching a crescendo. It is getting to as point where Americans dare not talk too loud in public about politics as nerves are so on edge. Things could go very pear shaped in the next few weeks as all the pent up anger and disappointment comes to a head in the Midterms. The worst problem is the insecurity the status quo just fails to address the future in any logical way. If you listen to commentators those who are lucky enough to have bags of money they are looking at New Zealand as a bolt hole if things get out of hand.
Perhaps we might want to tell them that if they want to live in a Parliamentary Proportional Democracy they should try it at home first as running away is really not a good strategy. Besides we really won’t want NZ swamped by spoiled American Trust Fund Kids. Believe me!