Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Farming Algae in NZ ?

Posted 10th November 2018 to the Advocate South Newspaper Winton NZ

Southland Farmers are always on the lookout for new Ideas to improve their lot but have they thought about farming algae ?

Instead of draining swamps they could be helping reduce the need for imported fuel.. An interesting fact is Algae grows 100 times faster than land based crops it can be rendered into Jet fuel and the by-product can be used as animal feed.

Seaweed is a form of Macro Algae and has been farmed for centuries for food. The Japanese even harvest it now with underwater lawnmowers and rope forests.

Yes it is 2018 and the US Government wants everyone to burn fossil fuel like there is no tomorrow  but it pays to be one step ahead in their game because there will be no tomorrow for burning Fossil Fuel one way or another.

Also Wellington might encourage self sufficiency just in case. 

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