Tuesday, July 10, 2018

USA reality pressures

Posted 8th July 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

One thing that is strange about the media in 2018 is a lack of consensus across the board that seems to confuse people.
Like the United States of America is clearly not a true democracy and as such can not be hacked. Or that Donald Trump in not a Deluded Narcissist despite the almost daily evidence. I think we can mostly agree that the modern world is run by a loose band of mostly benevolent Tyrants who prefer to remain anonymous, pretty much a bunch of bumbling regular humans and their minions.
So really there is no need for complicated conspiracy speculation about the US voting system especially if you know its history. It’s main function is flexibility, a social pressure valve for a vast, diverse, complex, heavily armed nation.

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