Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Last Jedi - Please Stop

Posted 10th January 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

If popular movies reflect our current times then I guess the latest Star Wars instalment is saying
It’s all hopeless and the only way to have a fair society is to use magic.  I think Hollywood should have just made this last film the final one.

Every story must have an end and as JRR Tolkien discovered when there is no future plot other than endless conflict and death then it’s time to stop. I mean If we want that story all we have to do is watch CNN.

Even Star Trek has given up on it’s message of hope by enlightenment and caring in favour of war & conflict and sadly our young people are engulfed in the same endless message in Online Games.

I suppose Star Wars is just reflecting our overbearing punitive free-market military industrial Complex instead of just being a Space Western as it original story was viewed. Today it’s role is looking like exporting Americas message of might make right in a grim magical context. The fact is for all it’s faults the Empire keeps order and it is just more sexy and better funded.

I prefer The Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy where the galaxy is a humorous bureaucratic muddle and nobody is really in control of detail... People have flaws, Oh and the Ultimate question is the answer to life the universe and everything.
Or as some would say, the Human Condition .

Just Sayin’

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