Monday, December 7, 2015

Climate Change Oppinion - Trilobites !

Posted 7th November 2015 to the Fiordland Advocate Newspaper

John Baird of Winton has brought up a problem Scientists have with this planet, that is that it is a wonderfully complicated place
And one can not explain it’s complexity to the average person without having to make every argument a one issue problem.
Too much Co2 is not our single problem on planet Earth. Nor is the presence of Human beings, but it is a deadly certainty that
current Human Political thinking is going to choke the Planet to Death if it fails to address the Finite Nature of our resources on this pale blue dot we live on.
The Trilobites managed to Rule this Planet for 270 Million Years because they just got on with living without Wars, Agriculture, Energy Extraction, Religion or Politics..

We are way smarter than Trilobites are we not? We have 269.99 Million Years to go to beat them!

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