Friday, March 27, 2015

State Housing & John Key's Party

Posted 26th March 2015 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

 I seems strange to me that John Key’s Government cant get it’s head around the Idea that they are there to look after the
Human Population on New Zealand.

The State housing Drama shows that they are just tired of looking after People when the could be having fun doing Fancy Window dressing with the Tax Payers Money.

The Crazy thing is Our Wealth as a Nation Comes from the Well-being of all our Population.

Never in the History of the World has it served the greater good to dispossess and neglect a portion of Society. Because always the perpetrators of inhumanity will make EVERYONE  pay for it.

I think Its not the Housing or the Flag that are outdated. It’s the political system in general that is antiquated and cack-handed.
There should be two tiers of Government, one dedicated to Business and one to our human assets!

And in the later House NO Businessmen or Layers need apply.

You don’t have to be an intellectual commentator to state the present Government is clearly unbalanced and inhuman... you simply stop voting if you feel no one respects you.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Southland Times - Natasha Holland

Posted 20th March 2015 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

 I would just like to say congratulations to Natasha Holland on becoming the New Editor of the Southland Times
The official historical Record of the Southland Province.

It’s not a great time for the print media today but a local News and Information team can still be a great asset for
It’s community especially if it can ask the hard questions of the powerful and keep our elected representatives on task.

A good Editor not only has to record the passing of history but guide us through to the future as well, while turning a profit.
Best of Luck with That. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Radio NZ - Right to Die

Posted 3rd March 2015 to Nine to Noon Radio NZ

Hi Kathryn:
Good Luck trying to get any sense out of the right to die debate.
How can we get our Government to release people from Misery Pain and Humiliation when that is the very STICK that keep them in control of the Population since they have given all the CARROTS  to their corporate Gangster mates.

Also there is a huge industry in the US keeping the Very old in a kind of suspended animation based on outdated Religious thinking  and It seems when it comes to Laws we are bound to follow the USA these days.

BTW If the Standard of living for the Non Elite of this Planet keeps on it’s current trajectory. Death is going to become a Lifestyle Choice
For the Masses!

Indeed in parts of the Middle East today it is now already mandatory....

Lake Pokarekare ana - Ngai Tahu Response

News Desk 19th March 2015 Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

 For the record there has been a backstory going on in Manapouri about a Very Special Placename

Being a keeper of local History and Folklore last Year I put in a request to the NZ Geographic Board to consider the merits of
naming a Highly Scenic unnamed Lake at Manapouri after The National Song “Po Karekare ana”

As it is a Maori Song and is part of Maori heritage I put it forward to the Tribal Authorities both National and Local
But yesterday it was announced by Ngai Tahu Riverton that they will not be supporting the submission.

Ngai Tahu Christchurch had said that the answer was up to Riverton so today I have asked the NZ Geographic Board not to
Process the Gazetting proposal document.

Aaron Nicholson


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ankh Morpork Peak NZ - Independent UK

Posted 17th March 2015 to the Independent UK London.

Years Ago I was asked if I knew of a city in New Zealand that would like to be the Twin City of Terry Pratchett’s Ankh Morpork.
I couldn’t think of any but I believe I found a Mountain Peak that might do.

 Maybe one day we should all believe that as in the words of Terry “Humans need fantasy to be Human”
“To be the place where the fallen angel meets the rising ape” we need to start believing the small things to believe the big things Justice, Mercy, Duty.

Terry was truly the most deserving heir of Tolkien and will live long in our hearts.

From Aaron Nicholson
 Manapouri  Historian NZ

Google's Burdon of Truth vs Rupert Murdoch

Posted 5th of March 2015 to the Southland Times Invercargill NZ

I see people from all levels of Society are having a crisis about AUTHORITY from your Letter by Mr Aulus Allen on the Te Anau Sewage Figures
To The Egg Heads at Google trying to Cope with the quality of Information Streaming over the Internet..
Since newspaper and print first arrived they have been held as a bench mark of historic record and that put them in the position of
having a standard of truthfulness, more or less depending on the Political Overlords of the time..  Then Came Rupert Murdoch and Fox News
and the Media started loosing its “Nutritional Value”... Suddenly the public appetite for Hard News plummeted and People Look to Bloggers to satisfy their hunger.

It’s not surprising Google heads feel a bit uncomfortable as the now feel like the Burdon of Truth is in being thrust into their hands.
If you think about it without truth there can be no Justice, and with out Justice we have Barbarism and Barbarism is simply not capable of sustaining  our
Modern Civilization.. Words Every Newspaper Editor should have hanging on His or Her office wall. As well as the wall of every Council Engineer.
That is why reason is the best tool to have in any debate, if you can’t trust truths reason will sort the wheat from the chaff.

Or in the immortal words of the Late Leonard Nimoy.. “LOGIC DICTATES”

not published  to date

ODT - Tourism NZ queries on drivers

Posted 4th March 2015 to the Otago Daily Times Dunedin

I can see the Tourism Industry Flinch at every Story about Car Keys being taken off overseas tourist who drive badly.
It strikes at the Heart of Every Kiwi to think their friends and family are in peril on our roads just to keep the Tourism Business Going.
And it Certainly Will be upsetting for People in Tourism New Zealand who pushed to get Asian Tourists out of Busses and in to Rental Cars
After the World Economy downturn canceled the Travel Plans of so many middle Class Independent European Travelers.

The thing is to the Average Kiwi they do not see any benefit from our Government's Asian Love affair especially on our Roads, Cities and Farms.
Kiwis Love their empty Space and the get grumpy having to Share it.

There is also some evidence Asians Learning to Drive Like our Empty Roads too. Especially as Asian drivers in Asia have a low bar to cross when it comes to getting a drivers license
In some cases you simply buy them.

Perhaps Tourism NZ Could take that on Board ?

Published Page 34 March 7 2015 

(Tourism N Z  cheif executive Kevin Bowler Replied)
Chinese bring $1 Billion to NZ business and 
create jobs for imported labour and poor New Zealanders.