Sunday, November 2, 2014

Radio NZ - The Decline of the Print Media

Posted 2nd November 2014 to Colin Peacock of Mediawatch Radio New Zealand.

The Real Reason why Newspapers are collapsing and People are not Voting is the very real fact that
Mainstream News today is mostly propaganda and not raw fact. I Blame Rupert Murdoch for using
The system to allow the Very Rich to buy political outcomes they like, this has poisoned both the Media and
Politics. No one can fight it the Billionaires have all the cards and all the money in the world, the fact the US Fed
Can print them as much money as they need is hardly mentioned but it effectively means people who work for a living
Have no real chance to have any financial power in this world and political power has slipped from their hands.

Our own Government is showing signs that it is disconnected from the People it supposedly represents
And our Representatives are obviously being influenced by Big Money yet the Media is acting like it is under sedation at best
Or cheering this nonsense on.

The Romans of old had Bread and Circuses to keep control of the population. I am sure if they had Media it would be a lot like ours is today
In many aspects.

Many Americans now get their news from the Comedy Channels Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and John Oliver are the New Age Anchormen
For the Younger Viewers.

And you can’t get them on air in NZ for love nor money it seems.

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