Saturday, January 12, 2019

Help our Lost Confused Politicians

Posted 18th December 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

It’s been 100 years since the end of the Great War of the European & American Bankers that spread a new power across the globe where the Anglo American Work ethic has changed the face of all cultures and all nations but now its looking a bit old and sad and the job of government cheering hard work and growth of industry seems out of date. Maybe it’s time for some progressive politics to blast fresh air on the cobwebs of political complacency.
Garry Tong & Tim Shadbolt have been great cheerleaders for progress but there has been a lot of questionable stuff outside the public mandate that are not the nuts and bolts of maintaining a healthy community.
If I was a mayor I would treat rates as a form of community insurance, also I would be cheerleading whistle blowers and have a reward system for our brightest and best in the community.
There are great changes ahead for us all in the world and the old ways are not going to be appropriate forever.  

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