Monday, September 10, 2018

Jason Kander Hero Journalist

Posted 27th August 2018 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

Every once and a while a veteran journalist changes lanes and has a go at politics, and why not?
Most politicians start off as stuffy businessmen or lawyers. Few have investigative training,
Jason Kander is a war correspondent come pod caster who is now running as mayor for a large American city.

Jason looked at voters needs and apart from Health, Housing and Justice people desire to stay where they are happy and not have to chase work to the ends of the country or in some cases the ends of the earth.
It turns out most people want to stay in the communities they grew up in with their friends and family close by

Invercargill like Kansas City probably is suffering from the same population creep in it’s heart and this hidden pain is probably one of the great rejections of the global village agenda that is now causing so much upset in other nations.

Community is important... It took a seasoned War hardened Journalist to see it. 

Published Aug 29 2018  page 13 

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