Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Minas Tirith Airport Queenstown NZ

Posted 8th October 2017 to the Otago Daily Times newspaper Dunedin NZ

Art is an important part of our culture and our airports sometimes get used to showcase our creativity to a receptive but sometimes captive audience.
Sir Peter Jackson has something artwork that should live at the Queenstown airport because of it’s very location.

The miniature City of Minas Tirith that Weta Workshop created should be there as the Queenstown Airport sits directly below the city in the Movie Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings,
grafted as it was onto the side of the Remarkables.

Surely it could be loaned for it’s pure iconic nature to mark Queenstown’s place in the history of JRR Tolkien.

After all it was once proudly on display at Te Papa  in Wellington.  

Failing that maybe ask a lego expert... 

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