Friday, July 8, 2016

Fututre of New Zealands National Parks Service

Posted 24th of June 2016

 In response to your page on trying times for the Department of Conservation..
Yes Maggie Berry has got a job to do and Minister in Charge..
Unfortunately Private Enterprise in a small country such as NZ is in no position to deal with a tourism blow out
And for good or for worse the Department of Conservation is the only Government Agency that has a structure to deal with
Our Tourism Problems. But they have not recruited the people they need to make it work. They need a different breed.. The kind of people that they usually avoid .
Cleaver Ambitious, Creative people to Work in synergy with our preservationists and Greenies .
One thing is Clear the Status Quo is not working. I say the Government not only has to let D.O.C. Keep more of it’s earnings to maintain itself but give bonuses for its best people

And fill in the Gaps that private enterprise will never take a risk on.  We have plenty of campsites in Fiordland for example but almost no new DOC infrastructure for anything else.
They are not actively Showcasing their product at all. And can no until the Minister gives them some oxygen  Queenstown Says it will Take 10 Years to build up it Hotel Capacity  to
Keep up with demand if they can afford the land. And all the scenic real-estate has been given to DOC.  


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