Sunday, March 13, 2016

Climate Change for Conservatives -

Posted 27th December 2015 to the Southland Times Newspaper Invercargill NZ

Published Title: Lettuce Pray

 Mr M Cave of Manapouri had a cheeky letter in your opinion  last week on the News that Lettuce Uses More water to Grow per pound than Livestock
And that was a poke in the eye to Climate Greenies up on their high horse, as if Only Greenies and Vegans like to eat lettuce salad.

But seriously Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger has just come out and appealed to right-winger like your readers who attack Robert Guyton to try and understand that
It’s everybody's mission to Look after this planet of ours ESPECIALLY the Conservative factions who actually own most of it.

Agricultural waste and Military forces are the real numerical Climate Killers not private cars or even Lettuce Salads.

We don’t even want to joke about that Waste or the Waste that really scares the planetary elite... Unwanted Uncooperative People.

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