Sunday, October 19, 2014

Ebola Will Beat Capitalism?

Posted 17th of October 2014 to the Southland Times, Fairfax Media, Invercargill NZ

I see the Republicans of the USA are having a hard time getting their heads around Hemorrhagic Ebola,
You can’t cut its Taxes to keep it happy, you can’t Bomb it or Shoot guns at it and you can’t Gerrymander it
Or strangle it in Red Tape, nor can you pray it away it seems. The Mightiest Capitalist System ever seen on Earth
Appears to be unable to close the stable door until after the Ebola Horse has bolted.
The Quest for Profit Driven Globalization appears to have made us all Slow and Stupid
and we all think our good luck will protect us from our Biological Vulnerability...

But on Economic Flip side think of all the Money the Survivors will have and how they will send it.
That certainly changed the European Economies after the great plague for the better.

Published 20th October 2014

Auckland 1080 drinking water 2014

Posted to the 12th October 2014 to the Southland Times, Fairfax Media, Invercargill NZ

The other day I overheard a comment on TV comparing the Auckland Council to ISIS when it comes to 1080..
I think the comparison was a bit misplaced.

On reflection perhaps the War on Isis has some comparisons to our 1080 Strategy.
As in they both involve Ariel Bombardment on an industrial scale that targets every thing and everyone.

In Both Cases the answer is boots on the ground and Both are Battles against Nature.

In the Hunua Ranges it’s Mother Nature that needs to be brought to heel, and in Iraq it’s Human Nature that is the Problem.

One war protects a Branch of Islam the other protects a Radical Belief in Bird Genetics.

Nature of course has all the time in the World and will no doubt have the last say, if we interfere or not.

Newt Gingrich vs Doug La Follette 2014

Posted 7th October to the New York Times Newspaper.

So Newt Gingrich is backing a young Black Man to take on the Old School Democrat Secretary of State For Wisconsin
Doug La Follette this Election Cycle..

Wow I didn’t know Newt was such a Revolutionary person  that Julian Bradley guy must be some Amazing fellow to
Get a Old White Conservative like Newt to go to bat for him.

Or is our Newt Gunning for La Follette for nodding to the Occupy Wall Street Movement and for being a green Democrat?

On Youtube the Debate Between La Follette and Bradley show that La Follette is happy to do his job well where as Bradley wants
To pimp the Office of the Secretary of State ride as a vehicle to Political Power..

Hey Newt, Isn’t this the fundamental reason why country is falling apart?

John Key's - Public Surveillance bonus

Posted 7th October to the Southland Times Invercargill

Here is Hoping that Prime Minister John Key can use his new Homeland Security Position to look into peoples thoughts and
Find out why there is such a loss of faith in our Political System.

Our Whole Global Economy is held together by Pseudo Science and Blind Faith, if People Refuse to Believe In it, it will simply fall down.
And as we are liking in the Modern Equivalent of the Roaring 20s we should be really aware of that danger.

If Our Election numbers are taken seriously then the Majority of Voters seem to be loosing faith in the Global Pyramid Scheme of
Finance and Paranoia that holds us all together.

Mr Key NEEDS to know why People are thinking this, and also figure out the concept of what truly makes People Happy.

Or is he just thinking, If the Sky Falls everyone will be wearing National Party Coloured Hats?

Kathryn Ryan - Isis Copies Nazi Plan

Posted 8th October 2014 on Nine to Noon at Radio New Zealand.

Interesting details about the current Conflict in Iraq and Syria on your program this AM guys..

So Islamic State is really a reboot of the German National Socialist Party with Religious Purity replacing Racial Purity!

Blitzkrieg funded by Paranoia Rich People...

At Last a foe the USA can get emotional about!

And I was wondering what kind of trouble that Huge Growing Pile of Saudi Money was going to cause
Without Russian Socialism Darkening their skies anymore..

What a Fascinating Game.

So just who is the New Hitler of Islam and why do we not hear more about him ?

Kathryn Ryan - Age and Wisdom

Posted 7th October 2014 on Nine to Noon Radio New Zealand

It is my opinion that older Skilled People are wasted in this Society doing Young Peoples Jobs
When they Should be Valued by Society as Teachers and Mentors.

Not all People Age the same, some are not as strong in body as others but still retain a store of valuable
Experience to share...

My Brother in Law started working with Telecom Faults in the 1970s He Now suffers from Back Pain but the Young Guys Treat him
With Special Reverence because he knows so much detail about his job, it’s History and also the People in the Industry.

This is something no University Degree can help with...

We tend to undervalue Empathy and Experience in our manic Modern World..