Saturday, September 20, 2014

Te Anau's Silly Sewage Sceme

Posted 20th September 2014 to the Fiordland Advocate Te Anau NZ

 If you think about it Te Anau Sewage Answer is staring at it in the face.. Native Beech Forest is Idea suited to absorb Nutriments for waste water and there are No People there to be offended by it.

Clearly if we can Dump 1080 all over it then Waste Water should be far less environmentally intrusive to wildlife and after all we got’ta put the National Park to use for something if you cant fish shoot or safely walk through it.
The Kepler Mountains would be Perfect and if you play it right  any surplus waste water could drift safely out to sea via the Manapouri Power Station and make some extra electricity Into the bargain !

Come on Southland District Council, where is your plucky spirit, a true Heath Robinson sewage system Is like the Movie “Field of Dreams” Let’s Build it and People will Come to use it.  let Nature deal with the pesky microbes.

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