Posted 12th of October 2013 to the Fiordland Focus
I hear voices being raised from the likes of Mervyn Cave , Andrew Welsh and Jack Murrell that our community is not very open to new business opportunities to support our population.
But I recon we have to take stock of a few Historical Facts about the settlement of this basin, Like it only exists because of Central & Local Government initiatives and all private enterprise here is just a spin off of that Government insistence in Infrastructure.
It is a fair bet nothing new and exciting is ever going to happen here unless it comes from Wellington and as long as this area is a safe Political Seat there will be no need to change anything unless we have the money to lobby.
Another important Thing to contemplate is that The World now wants our area to be a Last Great Wilderness and by definition that means No People or Infrastructure.
So the upshot is don’t expect Private Enterprise to come to our rescue out here on the Fiordland Frontier... We just have to make due with what we got, Landcorp, Rugged individuals, stray tourists and Retiring Fontera Farmers for the foreseeable future.
I hear voices being raised from the likes of Mervyn Cave , Andrew Welsh and Jack Murrell that our community is not very open to new business opportunities to support our population.
But I recon we have to take stock of a few Historical Facts about the settlement of this basin, Like it only exists because of Central & Local Government initiatives and all private enterprise here is just a spin off of that Government insistence in Infrastructure.
It is a fair bet nothing new and exciting is ever going to happen here unless it comes from Wellington and as long as this area is a safe Political Seat there will be no need to change anything unless we have the money to lobby.
Another important Thing to contemplate is that The World now wants our area to be a Last Great Wilderness and by definition that means No People or Infrastructure.
So the upshot is don’t expect Private Enterprise to come to our rescue out here on the Fiordland Frontier... We just have to make due with what we got, Landcorp, Rugged individuals, stray tourists and Retiring Fontera Farmers for the foreseeable future.
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