Monday, September 2, 2013

New York Times - Never Mind Syria

Posted 3rd September 2013 to the New York Times.

Most Americans would honestly say we don’t know of any friends in Syria we need to help.
Or what side we should sell weapons to... Bill Maher has a point, We have all had a guts-full of War and
The as People of the Middle East are Hell-Bent on conflict and Killing... They are just going to have to do it them selves.

Japan is another Story, they have been sitting on their backsides wringing their hands for two years now while the Fukashima Power Plant Spews Radioactivity into our Pacific Ocean.

If we should get angry at anyone it should be them, because we will, one way or another we end up getting this stuff in our food chain and who knows what effect it will have on the Complex unseen Ecosystems of the Ocean floor near Japan.

All I can say is if America is trying to be the World’s moral compass it is doing a pretty lousy job of it!

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