Monday, December 17, 2012

Southland Times - Affordable Housing

Letter to the Editor, the Southland Times
29th October 2012
Published page 6 Nov 2 2012

Today’s News

I am sorry but Bill English and his Party are in La-La Land when they think high house prices are the product of not enough property Development.

Might it just be that it is because of weak and stupid Governments that houses have become the best investment return in the Country..
Might it also be the density issues around Auckland and Greedy People in the Construction Industry there who can’t even build simple dry shelter?

Back in the good old days when there was a housing shortage and quality issues the Government its self stepped in and did the job .

Which is what it should have done in Christchurch instead for playing free market roulette with everyone's lives.

Then there is the question of overseas landlords. Why is it a good thing for non New Zealanders to grab up our housing stock with their off shore spending power?
Surely they just suck the rent out of the country and inflate our prices...

In Manapouri development has not lowered the house prices or brought in people to live here, it just pushes up our rates and ruins the natural ambience

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